Monday, April 13, 2009

1st Round Matchup

Will the upset-minded whale explode the leprechaun? Or will the leprechaun cast a shadow on all crackheads that attempt to uproot this tree?

1) Leprechaun in Alabama
(16) Exploding Whale

Will Tyrone surprise Scarlet with a right cross? Or will Scarlet tumble into the next round?

(8) Scarlet Takes a Tumble
(9) Tyrone vs. Halloween


Brittany said...

My votes are for Leprechaun and Scarlet.

In my opinion, Scarlet should go all the way, but I'm mean and find videos like that so much more funny than most people find them. What can I say? It's just funny. : )

Brandon said...

I gotta vote for exploiding whale and tyrone....the editing on tyrone is classic and just the thought of whale blubber crunching a car 1/2 mile away wins in my book

Kickert said...

The whale took the lepruchan into double overtime. The crackhead had better get his stuff together if he has any chance of continuing.

Jason said...

Scarlet going all the way? I don't know - there's still some stiff competition.

The exploding whale was funnier than I remember, but the leprechaun is pretty much the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Scarlet and Tyrone locked in a death match!!

Eric said...

All I can say about Leprechaun is, "Yeaaaah!"

"I shouldn't perform that." - classic line. Maybe you shouldn't stand on a little coffee table!

Kickert said...

Come on Tyrone....

Jennifer Coomer said...

Oh my goot-ness. That Leprechaun thing was hilarous! The guy in the middle asking everyone to say "yeah" if they've seen the leprechaun...

If I want to support my girl Scarlet (b/c we plus size ladies gotta stick together...and because it hurts my back to even watch that) do I vote FOR her? Or for Tyrone? I'm unclear on this one.

Jason said...

I love Scarlet - who hasn't gotten into a song like that?

I am wondering who uploaded that video of Scarlet. If I were Scarlet, I would have deleted that as soon as I got the feeling back in my legs.

Eric said...

Scarlet pulls it out! Way to go girl!

Brittany said...

Told you Scarlet was high-larious!! At least my girl won this round! Can't wait for the next round!

Scott Douglas said...

Just give the trophy to the leprechaun, because who seen the leprechaun say YEAH!