Monday, August 31, 2009

This Is Hot

This guy and the guy with the homemade Wolverine claws should get together. I would never go above the speed limit again.


JD said...

If you find a video of a dude who can shoot ice out of his wrists, then me and you have a project to work on. But I'm not doing anything that involves shooting fire or sharp claws from my wrists. With my recent luck, I think I better stay as far away from that as possible.

But ice, however...

Scott Douglas said...

All I can think when I saw that is from when you, me, and Chris went to see XMen and those people in front of us kept going "IS THAT A MUTANT! I THINK ITS A MUTANT. DADDY IS THAT A MUTANT?"
And, I watched the whole thing expecting him to burn himself. That is pretty awesome though