Monday, June 11, 2007

Words from the wise?

Sometimes I can't turn my brain off. Here's a thought that's been on spin-cycle since my 25th birthday - about six months ago.

"What would 25-year-old Jason say to 18-year-old Jason?"

My response has consistently been "Nothing that 18 year old Jason would receive."

Not a statement on how wise 25 year old Jason is, just how cocky, arrogant, thinking he had it all figured out 18 year-old Jason was. In the words of a former colleague of mine, "You've got the game messed up."

So here's my question, what would (insert your age here) year-old (insert your name here) say to 18 year old (insert your name here)?

ex. What would 45 year old Joe say to 18 year old Joe? (momma! ha!)


Tony said...
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Tony said...

A forty something would say, "Would you please come to speak at my mission week because my teens no longer listen to me?" July 23-25.

Kelly Efurd Lawson said...

A 27-year old Kelly would say to 18-year old Kelly, "Hang on. Have hope."

Oh, and, "Mike B. is a dillhole. Don't date him." Of course, 18-year old Kelly would NOT have listened to me and would have dated him anyway, and thus wrecked a little bit of her life, as a result of dating him. Oh right. That really did happen.

It's a good question, Jason. But you're right. Would 18-year old anyone actually listen to the older version of him/herself? Probably not. Because in order to get to the older, wiser version of ourselves, we have to make some stupid choices, live a little bit of life, and figure things out.

Kelly Efurd Lawson said...

P.S. I think in your own blog post is the only time you'll get to successfully make Joe Momma jokes. We're all on to you now. I'm sure our days of falling for that one are over. Now, Chris...tmas Santa, I'm not too sure about!

Anonymous said...

I think I would say to the 18 year old me -"You are not nearly so grown up as you think you are and you are missing out on a LOT by acting like you are". Of course, the 40 year old me might say the same thing to the 25 year old me too.

jeremiah said...

MAAAN, i miss you bro.
LOVE the washer/dryer repairman skeezy story - stalk him, thats my advice.

As far as this question -
20...7 *sadface* Jeremiah would tell 18 year old Jeremiah -
"You were created to do and to be so much more than what you are doing now."
18 yr old Jeremiah woulda just cocked his head, adjusted some kind of hoop jersey he was sporting at the time and asked to have the ball back. Present age Jeremiah woulda also told Jeremiah, no begged him, "Whatever you do, dont get back together with her - you will ruin your life BEYOND repair."

thanks for now putting my head into a tailspin along with you bro.

Tell Bob i said what's crackin. latuh.