You know that feeling that you get when your hanging with the crew while delicious eats and belly laughs are coming and going side by side? You know - that feeling where everything is right with the world and you want to bottle up this moment because it feels sooo good and you may never have another one like it?
There's a Italian word for it. Benessere.
Wishing you benessere :)
Friday, June 29, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Ministering to Harry Potter(s) 10:57 PM

My beautiful wife has gotten her beautiful nose stuck in the world of Harry Potter. This is what she said to me the other day (no lie!): "Life would be so much easier if we could just apparate."
I haven't apparated yet - but something jumped in my mind like a delicious chocolate frog today during my regular staff meeting. What kind of worldview does reading Harry Potter create in our young people?
There are those that argue that reading Harry Potter will turn young people on to witches, warlocks and other "darksided" things. I am inclined to not just disagree but to also argue that anything that turns young people on to reading is ultimately beneficent. (Especially when the entire Harry Potter series can be cast in terms of the gospel of Jesus Christ - sacrificial love as the ultimate power - but more on that another time.)
The question I am asking is, are young people enthralled with Harry Potter because it is someone their age doing battle? Is is because someone their age is making a difference? taking on adult responsibilities? In the meantime, while we at the church are telling them they CAN and SHOULD make a difference (no problem there) but then failing to set them up to do so. We are telling them they can change the world and then taking them to pick up trash.
Is Harry Potter tapping into something that the church has neglected?
Harry Potter,
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Yeah - Nobody Likes You! 6:47 PM
I've been blessed by the opportunity to help out at an Upward basketball camp this past week. Basketball + Jesus = the highest quality available, right?
Check out this scene: At the end of camp, non-Upward camp kids begin to filter in and mix with Upward Camp Kids. The Upward-Camp Kid (hereafter abbrievated as UCK) is one of the youngest, sweetest kids at the camp. He was super-stoked to have a 50 cent medal draped around his neck. Not from the rapper, but a gumball machine. He's always smiling, always does what you ask of him, and is generally an all-around good kid that is fun to be around.
While UCK is tossing is ball about 5 feet short of the 10 foot rim, a non-UCK yells at another non-UCK who is entering the gym. "Hey, Andrew, GO HOME!! NOBODY LIKES YOU!!"
A kid dressed in too-short shorts and too-big glasses looks up. This is presumably Andrew. He looks at the kid, frowns, and looks back at the floor - just catching his coke-bottle-glasses before they slide off his nose.
Sweet little UCK catches his ball and yells "YEAH ANDREW, NOBODY LIKES YOU!! GO HOME!!"
My eyes got as big as Andrew's glasses.
While another staff member took care of the kid who initially yelled at Andrew, and after I picked my jaw off the dilapidated gym floor, I called UCK over to me. He bounced over to me smiling and dribbling his basketball.
"Do you know Andrew?" I asked him.
"Nooooooo," he said, still smiling.
"Then why did you yell at him that no one likes him?" I asked.
The still-smiling UCK pointed at the kid who originally yelled and said - "Because he did."
I got on my knees to be eye level with UCK (thank you Nanny 911). Did you do that just to be like that other kid, I asked him. He nodded his head yes. I told him how stupid what he had done was and how hurtful it probably was to Andrew. I told him that just because somebody else did something didn't mean he should do it.
"If that guy ate poop, would you do it?"
"See what I mean? Just because other people do stuff doesn't mean you should do it."
Amazed me as to what kids would do and how far they would go in order to be cool, or in the "in-crowd" (choose your cliche).
Check out this scene: At the end of camp, non-Upward camp kids begin to filter in and mix with Upward Camp Kids. The Upward-Camp Kid (hereafter abbrievated as UCK) is one of the youngest, sweetest kids at the camp. He was super-stoked to have a 50 cent medal draped around his neck. Not from the rapper, but a gumball machine. He's always smiling, always does what you ask of him, and is generally an all-around good kid that is fun to be around.
While UCK is tossing is ball about 5 feet short of the 10 foot rim, a non-UCK yells at another non-UCK who is entering the gym. "Hey, Andrew, GO HOME!! NOBODY LIKES YOU!!"
A kid dressed in too-short shorts and too-big glasses looks up. This is presumably Andrew. He looks at the kid, frowns, and looks back at the floor - just catching his coke-bottle-glasses before they slide off his nose.
Sweet little UCK catches his ball and yells "YEAH ANDREW, NOBODY LIKES YOU!! GO HOME!!"
My eyes got as big as Andrew's glasses.
While another staff member took care of the kid who initially yelled at Andrew, and after I picked my jaw off the dilapidated gym floor, I called UCK over to me. He bounced over to me smiling and dribbling his basketball.
"Do you know Andrew?" I asked him.
"Nooooooo," he said, still smiling.
"Then why did you yell at him that no one likes him?" I asked.
The still-smiling UCK pointed at the kid who originally yelled and said - "Because he did."
I got on my knees to be eye level with UCK (thank you Nanny 911). Did you do that just to be like that other kid, I asked him. He nodded his head yes. I told him how stupid what he had done was and how hurtful it probably was to Andrew. I told him that just because somebody else did something didn't mean he should do it.
"If that guy ate poop, would you do it?"
"See what I mean? Just because other people do stuff doesn't mean you should do it."
Amazed me as to what kids would do and how far they would go in order to be cool, or in the "in-crowd" (choose your cliche).
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The 5th Floor 1:00 AM

My senior year of high school, some friends of mine and I got stuck on an elevator. I wrote a poetry book later that year and included this. Enjoy.
"The 5th Floor"
Getting on the elevator
fiddling with our keys
heading to our vehicles
was Wes, JR and me
We stepped across the threshhold
Into the tiny ride
"Jump into the air," one said
it feels like you can fly
Feeling light and weightless
until we reached the top
the elevator descended
and then we heard a pop
From flirting with gravity
and jumping like a bunny
to a heap on the floor
guys this isn't funny
Jumping up and laughing
nor smiling were we no more,
for our elevator had just broke;
stuck on the 5th floor
Jumping to attention
staring at the door
Praying for intervention
stuck on the 5th floor
Fiddling with the buttons,
pushing emergency
"I'm stuck on this elevator,
someone please help me!"
"30 minutes - help will arrive,"
the operator said
We all looked at each other
huddled up and prayed
Talking to each other
this day would be our last,
Death was all we smelled
until Wes passed his gas
Then somthing shook the box,
like a doll of paper
clutching each other we screamed,
we're about to meet our maker!!
The top of it opened,
and through it came a hand.
Like James Bond in the movies
through the top to stable land.
We left the elevator
wanting to ride no more,
'cause jumping up and down got us
stuck...on the 5th floor.
Hope you enjoyed it - I at least enjoyed finding my old senior year poetry book.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Let Your Life Speak? 11:16 PM
Why can't the FCC fine the Fox network for foul language dropped by Nicole Ritchie? A court ruled that because President Bush and Vice-President Bush can cuss, the precedent (example?) set by them becomes determinative in what is labeled as "indecent."
"The fact that Bush sometimes curses may seem irrelevant, but the "community standard" is one of the most important factors in legally determining indecency. What's good for Dubya, the court ruled, is good for the debutante. And while the ruling immediately applied to "fleeting" profanities, it could have broad implications for the FCC's ability to limit naughty talk on broadcast TV and radio in general."
(source: Time Magazine,9171,1630538,00.html)
It should be noted that the article seems to be heavily biased against the President.
The degradation of public discourse aside, the notion of the "community standard" stuck me. I have, over and over again, learned that the most effective curriculum is life - shared life within the community of faith. The community is the curriculum. Further, it is by far the most effective curriculum - for good or for ill - that I have ever seen.
You want your children to be a followers of Jesus Christ? Act like one.
"The fact that Bush sometimes curses may seem irrelevant, but the "community standard" is one of the most important factors in legally determining indecency. What's good for Dubya, the court ruled, is good for the debutante. And while the ruling immediately applied to "fleeting" profanities, it could have broad implications for the FCC's ability to limit naughty talk on broadcast TV and radio in general."
(source: Time Magazine,9171,1630538,00.html)
It should be noted that the article seems to be heavily biased against the President.
The degradation of public discourse aside, the notion of the "community standard" stuck me. I have, over and over again, learned that the most effective curriculum is life - shared life within the community of faith. The community is the curriculum. Further, it is by far the most effective curriculum - for good or for ill - that I have ever seen.
You want your children to be a followers of Jesus Christ? Act like one.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Absolutely Unacceptable 2:11 PM
While recently having our washer and dryer delivered and installed, the delivery man asks Dana if she is married. She replies yes.
"Happily married?" he asked.
She told him yes and that we were pregnant.
I don't know the tone in which his second question was delivered, but in my mind I picture this gross delivery dude cocking his head to one side, sneering, and giving my wife that wink-wink look.
I was furious. I still am.
The dude I talked to at the company was also furious and said that he would see to it that the delivery team in question would be re-trained.
"Happily married?" he asked.
She told him yes and that we were pregnant.
I don't know the tone in which his second question was delivered, but in my mind I picture this gross delivery dude cocking his head to one side, sneering, and giving my wife that wink-wink look.
I was furious. I still am.
The dude I talked to at the company was also furious and said that he would see to it that the delivery team in question would be re-trained.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Words from the wise? 7:19 PM
Sometimes I can't turn my brain off. Here's a thought that's been on spin-cycle since my 25th birthday - about six months ago.
"What would 25-year-old Jason say to 18-year-old Jason?"
My response has consistently been "Nothing that 18 year old Jason would receive."
Not a statement on how wise 25 year old Jason is, just how cocky, arrogant, thinking he had it all figured out 18 year-old Jason was. In the words of a former colleague of mine, "You've got the game messed up."
So here's my question, what would (insert your age here) year-old (insert your name here) say to 18 year old (insert your name here)?
ex. What would 45 year old Joe say to 18 year old Joe? (momma! ha!)
"What would 25-year-old Jason say to 18-year-old Jason?"
My response has consistently been "Nothing that 18 year old Jason would receive."
Not a statement on how wise 25 year old Jason is, just how cocky, arrogant, thinking he had it all figured out 18 year-old Jason was. In the words of a former colleague of mine, "You've got the game messed up."
So here's my question, what would (insert your age here) year-old (insert your name here) say to 18 year old (insert your name here)?
ex. What would 45 year old Joe say to 18 year old Joe? (momma! ha!)
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Moving Weekend 11:03 PM
Let me first appologize for the lack of recent updates. I have spent the last couple of days letting the love of my posse percolate as much as possible. (Lame comment alert) What an incredible blessing it has been to live in the Asbury community with so many quality people.
I'm not sure I can string a coherent paragraph together (at least one you want to read), so here's some quick thoughts on moving.
1) Loading the U-Haul truck is life size Tetris. We kept loading and loading and waiting for that long straight line to drop. Luckily, we got it. Who said video games didn't influence you and/or make a positive impact on your life? Everybody say it with me - do, do-do-do, do, do, do, do, do dee, do, do. Lamech, AnneMarie, and Jeremiah sang it with me :)
2) There is a reason the makers of EZ Off (oven cleaner) tell you to wear long gloves. It makes your skin BURN and BUBBLE. And it hurts. Bad.
3) Furnishing the new crib in Target today overheard this conversation:
Big Brother (as mom was walking into the door): Who's that walking the door?
Little Sister: Mommy.
Big Brother: No. That's my mommy. You were abandoned...........You were abandoned.
(if you want to hear it - it's even better!! - call Dana!!)
4) The new crib is very spacious and nice. Very homey. I have a "man bathroom"! Best part? Basketball goal in the back. 8/10 on the first go-round baby.
5) Wierd sleeping in a new place. When does it become "home"?
6) I have killed 304 spiders. Wait. 305.
7) We don't get Fox. Because Fox was the only channel we got consistently in the Bettie, all my shows are on Fox. We do get NBC crystal clear - yeah Office! - but what about American Idol, the People's Court, and most importantly Nanny 911?!
8) After watching my wife clean / work for the past four days, I have come to an important realization. Dana is a robot.
9) Driving the U-Haul is more scary than manly. You can't go fast and every single tractor / truck / tractor-trailer is about to hit you.
10) Sitting in the U-Haul truck at a red light, and one of the Broadway youth sees me and yells "Jason!! Hey!!" Made me smile.
11) Jazz season ended this week. I was sad, but it was offset by the quality of the week and the fact that they got as far as they did.
12) Stuff gets lost easily moving. I have no idea where some of my stuff is. So, I'm going to find stuff.
Be blessed!
I'm not sure I can string a coherent paragraph together (at least one you want to read), so here's some quick thoughts on moving.
1) Loading the U-Haul truck is life size Tetris. We kept loading and loading and waiting for that long straight line to drop. Luckily, we got it. Who said video games didn't influence you and/or make a positive impact on your life? Everybody say it with me - do, do-do-do, do, do, do, do, do dee, do, do. Lamech, AnneMarie, and Jeremiah sang it with me :)
2) There is a reason the makers of EZ Off (oven cleaner) tell you to wear long gloves. It makes your skin BURN and BUBBLE. And it hurts. Bad.
3) Furnishing the new crib in Target today overheard this conversation:
Big Brother (as mom was walking into the door): Who's that walking the door?
Little Sister: Mommy.
Big Brother: No. That's my mommy. You were abandoned...........You were abandoned.
(if you want to hear it - it's even better!! - call Dana!!)
4) The new crib is very spacious and nice. Very homey. I have a "man bathroom"! Best part? Basketball goal in the back. 8/10 on the first go-round baby.
5) Wierd sleeping in a new place. When does it become "home"?
6) I have killed 304 spiders. Wait. 305.
7) We don't get Fox. Because Fox was the only channel we got consistently in the Bettie, all my shows are on Fox. We do get NBC crystal clear - yeah Office! - but what about American Idol, the People's Court, and most importantly Nanny 911?!
8) After watching my wife clean / work for the past four days, I have come to an important realization. Dana is a robot.
9) Driving the U-Haul is more scary than manly. You can't go fast and every single tractor / truck / tractor-trailer is about to hit you.
10) Sitting in the U-Haul truck at a red light, and one of the Broadway youth sees me and yells "Jason!! Hey!!" Made me smile.
11) Jazz season ended this week. I was sad, but it was offset by the quality of the week and the fact that they got as far as they did.
12) Stuff gets lost easily moving. I have no idea where some of my stuff is. So, I'm going to find stuff.
Be blessed!