Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lenten Learning

For a week now, I have been without the upholder of un-unproductivity, Facebook. Prior to Lent, I was challenged by a few of my students who decided to give up Facebook for Lent. I took on the challenge and spread it around my group – and there are 30 of us leaving out logging in for 40 days.

There has been, however, a disconnect from the purpose of disconnecting. The tension between wallowing in destruction (woe is me, I miss my friends, I wish I could make this my status) and allowing for re-construction (how can I use this time wisely) is ever-present.

The discovery has been in this tension in my own life. Am I de-constructing or re-constructing? Living into cynicism or creativity? Hate or hope?


Kelly Lawson said...

Good questions, Jason. Thanks.

Tony said...

One of my students did this last year and ended up on the National News! You are so last year...

The answer: You are blogging which is a creative act. More creative I would say than a "post".