A conversation I would have if I awkwardly encountered my ignored blog in the organic aisle of Kroger.
Hey. I haven’t been ignoring you, I promise. I’ve been head-spinning, pants-wetting busy. I still love you. My friends will tell you that I haven’t called them either. My mom and dad will DEFINITELY tell you that I haven’t called.
For 6 straight weekends spread across October and November, I was out of town. Yes, I could have called. I could have written. I could have told you about the amazing Junior and Senior High Retreat, perma-frost football, Glee-king out with my favorite new show, about falling more in love with my boy, the high quality books I’ve been reading, my thoughts in inching closer to 30, or (most recently) my time with one of my youth ministry heroes.
But Dana has been sick (for like a month) with fatigue-inducing sinus infection on top of a fatigue-inducing (but tremendously handsome, awesome, and excited about “kissmas”) little boy.
So, at the risk of sounding lame…I’ll be back. .