Friday, April 16, 2010

Big Brotherhood

Stockton is adjusting well to being a big brother.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Hero

The Utah Jazz recently honored their former, now-deceased, owner. John Stockton had this to say.

Nothing earth-shaking or mind-blowing, just good to see and hear my hero again. Looks like he is finally starting to age. I should make my move to him soon.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Album of the Year

Monday, April 12, 2010

My Girl

Boys beware.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Labor Day

I had an appointment to meet my daughter (my daughter?!) today, but she decided to hang out (literally - it looks like Dana is attempting to steal a fitness orb). Baby girl's hanging out may mean her personality more matches her dad's. Stockton came 2 weeks early and is very clear in his desires and instructions. (I will let you make the connection:) ).

She will come soon, and there will be the same anxious-nervous-excited-sleepless smoothie that comes with newborns. We will tiptoe around the house to let her sleep, make sure everyone has washed their hands before touching her, and keep plenty of wipes handy for the baby-girl-blowout. We will help Stockton make the fourth major transition in a less than three months (potty, big boy bed, glasses, baby sister), and we will be exhausted.

I hope she comes on Easter.