Monday, February 23, 2009

"A Chainsaw Hit My Teeth"

I am not proud that the majority of my blog has been YouTube highlights lately, but this was too good to pass up. Here is "The Turtleman", a gentleman in Kentucky (where else?) that hunts snapping turtles for fun.


Carissa Martin said...

purty sure i seen him at the last demo derb i was et.

Jason said...

I want to say - I love the "rebel yell". I love it. What do you think would happen if we hooked this guy up with the "I Like Turtles" kid?

JD said...


spread it around like wildfire, people...

Tony said...

You might not be surprised that I have a cousin that does this. And I might add, turtle meat is really good...I have had it.

Tony said...

If the economy continues going south we might all be wishing we had some skill like this.

Jennifer Coomer said...

Jason, darn it. Seriously. Must you? I went from nearly peeing my pants to nearly crying tears of shame and back again.

I wonder if he's single?

Eric Coomer said...

I hold KET (Kentucky "Educational" Television) personally responsible for this slandering of Kentuckians. I wonder if I can get an appointment with his dentist.

Jennifer Coomer said...

This guy is the reason some people say to me, "You don't sound like you're from Kentucky."

Jason said...

the Turtleman will indeed be ok if the economy continues to tank.

I definitely have heard the whole "from Kentucky" thing. Though, Dana always gets on me for pronouncing the word "my" as "mah".

Eric, you think he pays his dentist in turtles?