As one candidate has put it,today provides for a choice between the past and the future. Unfortunately, despite lots of quality discussion ( Bowling Green has named their baseball team in the distinctive past, notably with a distinctive 80s flair. Not the Cave Shrimp, or the Cake Batters...put your hands together (or rev your engines...meh) for the Bowling Green Hot Rods.
The logo is seizure-inducing busy - with baseball hubcaps, stitched up wordmark, motion lines on the base paths (on a logo which is not a diamond), and a burnt orange car spewing flames. No simple elegance here - just heaped on design elements like a five-year-olds Lego creation. I count four colors - but there might be more. I am not the best person to go to for colors.
Give me the Cake Batters (or just the Batters) and a little chef with a whisk for a bat. Give me the Cave Shrimp, and a little squinty shrimp looking for a pitch. Anything but this busier than any road in Bowling Green logo.
There are 5 colors if you count white. I think. It's too harsh a logo to stare at for too long.
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