Thursday, October 25, 2007

I am the Guitar Hero

I beat Guitar Hero today. I completed all the songs on expert. As soon as I completed the last, I ran around the house and screamed"wooooo!" Dana told me to be quiet because she was on the phone. Doesn't she understand that I am a rock star now?!

How much life did I spend playing Guitar Hero II? I don't know, but it was worth it :).

The picture is from the youth "rockstar" party.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where Would Jesus Live?

My friends and I once got into an incredible discussion about sexual offenders. What should happen to them? Should they be labeled as "predators" forever? Should they have their business removed?

Here's an interesting article that brings up all kinds of issues: Sex Offender Paradise.

Are the laws fair governing sex offenders? Haven't they served their time and deserve full reinstatement into society like everyone else? Let me know what you think.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

New Birth

"A new birth is required if we are to see the signs of His presence. We need new eyes that perceive what is hidden, new hearts of courage to risk all in order to gain what the world deems lost. This new birth is the good work that Paul says God has begun within us. What does it mean for everyday life? The list of specifics is long and filled with risk. It means caring about human problems that most people would rather ignore. It means calling for forgiveness when others call for blood. It means insisting upon justice when others are prepared to settle for order. It means giving money and time without asking, 'what's in it for me?' It means turning our backs upon the idols of pleasure, convenience, and class. It means being satisfied with nothing less than the coming kingdom of God."

- Richard John Neuhas.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Recently, some good friends of mine rolled through BG. After we had got done eating, we were sitting around talking (and Guitar Hero-ing) and Stockton started doing calisthenics in Dana's belly. (You know how, on the outside of the "moonbounce" you can see it when the exceptionally large kid runs against the wall or jumps especially hard and you can see the moonbounce bulge? - that's what it looked like) Dana gets excited and the hand-on-belly parade begins. Hannah, the cute-as-nothing-else-almost-two-year-old, is third in line and Debbie (the mom) puts Hannah's hand on Dana's belly. Hannah gets google eyed and then Debbie says "Can you feel the baby in Dana's belly?"

We all continued to watch the moonbounce while Hannah moved to the couch. The next time we looked at Hannah, she had her shirt up and was feeling her belly.

There was no baby bounce in her belly, but it was equal parts hilarious and cute.

Here's to hoping Hannah waits for Stockton - two years older is ok :).

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Stars and Bars

impetus for this post can be found here.

There are some things in this world that I will never understand. (Does this sound like a soapbox?) My brain will never wrap itself around why this isn't a foul (notice especially the hand caressing the backside at :58), why Christians are the world's worst at maintaining the status quo, or why sound and smell are the most powerful senses (I can say Graduation Song 2000 or "middle school boy smell" and you not only know exactly what I am talking about, but your whole perspective changes in about 1.4 seconds).

I have lived in Kentucky for my entire life, yet the Confederate flag is something that I have neither come to understand nor embrace. Rather than being a symbol of "southern pride" it is, to me, a symbol of ignorance, hatred, and a yearning for a thankfully bygone era. There are those in my life who do not share this view. Instead of viewing the flag as a sad piece of history with two too many stars (Missouri and Kentucky never joined the Confederate States although they are represented on the flag), it is a celebration of the "free spirit" and "rebellious nature" of the south and, by extension, the wearer. Unfortunately, not everyone who lived under that flag was free.

I fail to understand how Americans, especially Christians, cannot see that their symbol of pride is one of persecution and put-down for another, and why that isn't enough to take a stand against it. There is nothing inherently evil about a swastika, indeed it is a stylized cross, yet we have mutually agreed that the its symbolism is unacceptable in public discourse. While the Confederate States did not murder three million people, there is still inherent oppression and racism in it, whether it is "confederate states" or "southern heritage". Why is there such difficulty with this symbol?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Holy Halo?

The fine line between "relevant" and "Christian" as told by the New York Times.

Thou Shall Not Kill...Except in Video Games

Perhaps more than any "ministry area", youth ministry strives to be on the cutting edge. By getting the kids in the doors with Halo, are we sacrificing content for "community"? Has fellowship become our golden calf?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Great Day

Put away your torches and pitchforks (all four of you). Sorry for the HUUUUUGE delay in updating. I feel like I spend most of the week "catching up." One week I'll be a good husband, but a terrible student; the next week I will be an exceptional student, but a horrible husband; finally, when I get it all figured out, I realized I have neither updated my blog nor showered for the past five (or 20!) days. (I have showered during this time period.) I'll spare you the high quality hilarity of the past few weeks and leave the laughter for a later date. Suffice it to say I had the most embarrassing moment of my life followed almost immediately by a more oh-no-please-no moment. Plus we have THE MOST amazing friends and family ever. Each of them need their own trading card to explore the statistical awesomeness. Not today though - that's just a taste for later.

Flip the switch to the present day.

Today was an amazing day. I had my first performance review at my new job. This one went alot better than the last one.

Later, our extended family came to visit on their way through Kentucky. Tony, Debbie, Sam, Madison, and Hannah Grace Akers rolled through and ate delicious food (my wife is the bionic woman - not in that "cold as steel" way, but in that awesome "can do everything" way) and shared life. Tony and Debbie gave me my awesome training, Sam can do a spot-on impersonation of Captain Jack Sparrow (and I can pick him up), Maddi is taller than me, and Hannah is potentially the second cutest baby ever. (The first TBA sometime in November).

Changing table is ready. Crib is up. All they need is a baby - and he is doing DDR in Dana's belly. But he is in need of a middle name. Stockton _________ Go for it peeps.

(I promise it won't take as long for the next update.)