If you are hurting for time - read the post below first. This one will make alot more sense.
Here's the situation:
You are sitting at a wedding reception dinner with approximately five people whom you do not know. You have made small talk with these people enough for them to know that you are a pastor and that they are Southern Baptists. Most of them have attended or are attending seminary. Your conversation is easy and pleasant but nothing altogether deep.
The reception is elegant to the extreme. Ice sculptures. Fancy food that you have never heard of and don't like the taste of. Open bar. Chair covers. Extremely nice and expensive hotel. And - the highest level of elegance offered to the common folk....salad forks.
During the dinner, your johnny-on-the-spot waiter is the paramount of polite. Two sips of your water results in a refill and a plate left alone for more than two minutes is gone. In short, he is the king of courtesy.
Immediately following the dinner, the waiter, without offering, fills a single champagne flute in front of one of the aforementioned members of your table. She frowns, looks at her friends sitting next to her, and harumphs, "I guess I just look like a drunkard or something." Cue giggles.
The waiter, who retreated after pouring the first glass returns and, this time, offers to fill the champagne glass of another one of your tablemates. She refuses.
He moves to the next female. She shakes her head no and puts her hand up.
Next. Boy. No. (waiter frowns)
Next. Girl. Nope.
Next. You.
You have signed a statement saying that you will not partake in alcoholic beverages.
What do you do?
I've notice that no one is commenting on this...interesting.
How about this Christians. Reject the offer but leave a large tip for the waiter in your empty glass.
So, what did you do Jason?
Well anyone who knows me also knows I don't follow system lines. My answer would be 2 fold.
1) I like to know why the line is drawn however. So why did the others at the table not partake of the wine? Why not ask? IF they say because God views drinking a glass of wine as sin then they need to be challenged on that and take the wine if you wish. However if they all have a legit reason..such as their family are all drunks and don't wish to become like then...then no challenge necessary and your partakening in that would make them stumble.
2) Your signing of an agreement that you would not drink. Was this binding for school, work, family, or other. I mean if you signed it you must have had a good reason for doing so thus I would say don't take the drink. When you signed the paper you have made an agreement when the person you signed it for and now your actions have to reflect that agreement.
Also I like what tony said for the waiter and I would pull him aside and explain the above mentioned situation as is it so that he doesn't taken it personally.
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