Over the course of the last couple of weeks, sleep has rarely come without the vivid backdrop of a disturbing recurring dream. At some point on the midnight dreary, my teeth drop out of my head. The pearly whites take a pass on being plastered to my head and, to my horror, slide out three and four at a time. It's not spontaneous dental hydroplosion (there's an obscure reference), but a disturbing large-scale loss of dentistry; I am left holding patches of porcelain.
A couple of websites have insight into my plight, none of them are flattering:
1) "Waking Dream" Sometimes teeth fall out, sometimes they are simply missing, sometimes they crumble away. Whichever way they make their exit, the dreamer is left with not only a gap in her smile, but a hole in her heart when she awakens. I do have a hole in my heart when I wake up...
2) "Personal Appearance Anxiety" One theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect your anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. Is this saying I am a pretty boy? Is that news?
3) "Fear of Embarrassment or Failure" Another rationalization for these falling teeth dream may be rooted in your fear of being embarrassed or making a fool of yourself in some specific situation. These dreams are an over-exaggeration of your worries and anxiety I think I have embarrassed myself enough to be over that.
4) "Feelings of Inferiority or Powerlessness" Perhaps you are having difficulties expressing yourself or getting your point across. You feel frustrated when your voice is not being heard. You may be experiencing feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some situation or relationship in your life. Is my little man's disease coming to light?
5) "Menopause" In the latest research, it has been shown that women in menopause have frequent dreams about teeth. This may be related to getting older and/or feeling unattractive and less feminine. Oh my.
Monday, February 23, 2009
"A Chainsaw Hit My Teeth" 2:00 PM
I am not proud that the majority of my blog has been YouTube highlights lately, but this was too good to pass up. Here is "The Turtleman", a gentleman in Kentucky (where else?) that hunts snapping turtles for fun.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Believe in Twitter 1:35 PM
I ran into a great story on an NBA blog I follow. check it out.
Whenever a celebrity has a blog, or a Twitter feed, or even writes a column -- you have to wonder: Is this really the celebrity writing?
Shaquille O'Neal's Twitter feed has been vouched for every which way. But that didn't stop Phoenix's Jesse Bearden from doubting. It was something he and his friend Sean had debated many times. Jesse writes about what happened next on his blog a Foot and a Half.
"You realize that 'The Real Shaq' is probably a 5-4, white, 14-year-old emo kid who's getting his jollies from the attention, right?" I asked him.
"I don't know. I think it's really him"
Today Sean and I were discussing rumored trade situations over IM, and the possibility of Shaq being traded to Cleveland.
"Well, I just got a twitter from The Real Shaq, and he's at 5 & Diner right now," Sean informed me.
"Let's go then" I said, assuming that I'd finally put this "Real Shaq" crap to rest.
Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to the restaurant and looking for the big black truck that he's rumored to drive around town. "Maybe that's it" Sean said, pointing at an older, but nice van and laughing. As we pulled up I saw the Superman symbol on the grill.
Maybe that is it?
We went in, and to my surprise the MDE (Most Dominant Ever) was sitting in the corner booth by himself. We gave the man a nod and "Hey" as we walked to our table and were soon whispering back and forth like 12-year-old girls at the seventh grade dance.
"You go talk to him" I said, while tugging nervously on my dress.
"No, you go talk to him" Sean replied while flipping his hair.
We placed our order, and spent 10 minutes trying to work up the sack to go say something.
"Should I tell him I'm glad he's sticking around?"
"Go tell him you're his twitter buddy."
"Should I ask for a picture?"
Given another two or three years, I'm sure we would have worked up the nerve to go talk to him, but before that could happen Sean's iPhone buzzed with a "tweet" from Shaq.
I feel twitterers around me, r there any twitterers in 5 n diner wit me, say somethin
[Editor's note: You can see this on Shaq's Twitter feed right now.]
"Hey" Sean said, with a slight bit of confidence.
Returning to our hushed whispers I asked Sean, "Should we go talk to him now?"
"I don't know, should we?"
"Yes, you should" a very deep voice entered our conversation from two booths over.
We quickly hopped up and rushed over like like two eight-year-olds who had just heard the ice cream truck pass by.
The rest of the story goes just like you'd like it to. O'Neal was extremely gracious, and a little gadget-oriented. He tipped about 6,000%, and everyone went home happy. Worth reading the whole thing.
And by all means doubt all kinds of things. But I, for one, will never again doubt the authenticity of Shaquille O'Neal's Twitter feed.
Whenever a celebrity has a blog, or a Twitter feed, or even writes a column -- you have to wonder: Is this really the celebrity writing?
Shaquille O'Neal's Twitter feed has been vouched for every which way. But that didn't stop Phoenix's Jesse Bearden from doubting. It was something he and his friend Sean had debated many times. Jesse writes about what happened next on his blog a Foot and a Half.
"You realize that 'The Real Shaq' is probably a 5-4, white, 14-year-old emo kid who's getting his jollies from the attention, right?" I asked him.
"I don't know. I think it's really him"
Today Sean and I were discussing rumored trade situations over IM, and the possibility of Shaq being traded to Cleveland.
"Well, I just got a twitter from The Real Shaq, and he's at 5 & Diner right now," Sean informed me.
"Let's go then" I said, assuming that I'd finally put this "Real Shaq" crap to rest.
Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to the restaurant and looking for the big black truck that he's rumored to drive around town. "Maybe that's it" Sean said, pointing at an older, but nice van and laughing. As we pulled up I saw the Superman symbol on the grill.
Maybe that is it?
We went in, and to my surprise the MDE (Most Dominant Ever) was sitting in the corner booth by himself. We gave the man a nod and "Hey" as we walked to our table and were soon whispering back and forth like 12-year-old girls at the seventh grade dance.
"You go talk to him" I said, while tugging nervously on my dress.
"No, you go talk to him" Sean replied while flipping his hair.
We placed our order, and spent 10 minutes trying to work up the sack to go say something.
"Should I tell him I'm glad he's sticking around?"
"Go tell him you're his twitter buddy."
"Should I ask for a picture?"
Given another two or three years, I'm sure we would have worked up the nerve to go talk to him, but before that could happen Sean's iPhone buzzed with a "tweet" from Shaq.
I feel twitterers around me, r there any twitterers in 5 n diner wit me, say somethin
[Editor's note: You can see this on Shaq's Twitter feed right now.]
"Hey" Sean said, with a slight bit of confidence.
Returning to our hushed whispers I asked Sean, "Should we go talk to him now?"
"I don't know, should we?"
"Yes, you should" a very deep voice entered our conversation from two booths over.
We quickly hopped up and rushed over like like two eight-year-olds who had just heard the ice cream truck pass by.
The rest of the story goes just like you'd like it to. O'Neal was extremely gracious, and a little gadget-oriented. He tipped about 6,000%, and everyone went home happy. Worth reading the whole thing.
And by all means doubt all kinds of things. But I, for one, will never again doubt the authenticity of Shaquille O'Neal's Twitter feed.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Marinating 11:03 AM
"How baffling you are, oh Church, and yet how I love you!
How you have made me suffer, and yet how much I owe you!
I should like to see you destroyed, and yet I need your presence.
You have given me so much scandal and yet you have made me understand sanctity.
I have seen nothing in the world more devoted to obscurity, more compromised, more false, and I have touched nothing more pure, more generous, more beautiful. How often
I have wanted to shut the doors of my soul in your face, and how often I have prayed to die in the safety of your arms.
No I cannot free myself from you, because I am you, although not completely.
And where should I go?"
- Carlo Carretto, The God Who Comes
Monday, February 2, 2009
Innocent, Until Proven Guilty 1:16 PM
There is nothing funny about children missing or being abducted. With that disclaimer, this newscast makes a hilarious blooper.